Table of Contents:
- The revisions will affect DCRM(C) only. They will be entered in the DCRM Editorial Guidelines wiki as a material-specific change. Although there is merit in the idea of having general guidance on "order" in 0G in the already-published manuals, the need for it did not seem urgent. The element-level instructions will suffice and DCRM2 is on its way.
- The new rule will be added as 0G10 (as proposed); although 0G1 seems a better place for it, the 0G10 placement will allow for greater consistency with the other DCRM modules.
- The entry in the General Errata page on the EG wiki specifying to remove "(see 0G)" from all specific instructions on "form and order" throughout the rules will not apply to DCRM(C). The basis for the entry was an observation by Dave Reser of LC PSD that 0G contained no instructions on order. With the addition of the new 0G10 rule on order, DCRM(C) will have general guidance on order (so the reference is helpful and should be retained).
- One further revision will be made to the proposed text:
- Following the pattern established by G, notes on transposition will be required only for items with title pages (i.e. atlases). This will also require additional revision to the element-level rules on transposition found throughout the text.
Archived Discussion
In DCRMB), currently the only general guidance provided in area 0 on the topic of order and transposition is in 0G in the words highlighted in red: "Transcribe information in the form and order in which it is presented in the source, according to these general rules 0B‐0G, unless instructed otherwise by specific rules. Do not use the mark of omission to indicate transposition."
The DCRM(C) group would like to add some additional guidance regarding order and transposition. Some of it addresses scattered elements on sheet maps, some of it is more generic. We thought this group might want to read what we intend to add and see if any portion of it should be considered a general DCRM change (and therefore potentially applicable to other DCRM modules). If not of general interest, we will indicate it as a "material-specific change" in the Editorial Guidelines wiki. Below is the DCRM(C) text:
0G. Transcription
Transcribe information in the form and order in which it is presented in the source, according to these general rules 0B-0G, unless instructed otherwise by specific rules. Do not use the mark of omission to indicate transposition.
0G10. Order and transposition
0G10.1. General rule. Follow the conventions appropriate to the script of the material when determining the order in which to transcribe information. For materials in roman script, this will generally mean proceeding from left to right and from top to bottom when transcribing information.
0G10.2. Transposition of information. If information appears in the source in a different order than that specified within these rules, transpose the information to its appropriate place in the description unless case endings would be affected, the grammatical construction of the information would be disturbed, or the text is otherwise grammatically inseparable from its surrounding elements. Similarly, if the order of information in the source would result in a transcription that is confusing, awkward, or nonsensical, transpose the information as needed into the order that makes the most sense. This will typically apply when particular elements of text have been distinguished in the source by their size, typography, or style of letterforms in order to imply an obvious natural reading order.
Do not use the mark of omission to indicate transposition. Rather, make a note to indicate the order in which the information appears in the source.
The coast of the United States of North America : from New York to St. Augustine / drawn and regulated according the the latest surveys and astronomical observations by Edmund Blunt ; D.R. Harrison, sc.
Note: Engraver statement appears at head of title, on the top right corner of the sheet
0G10.3. Scattered information. If information appears in scattered form on the source, as is common with cartographic materials printed or drawn on sheets, but no transposition is needed, make a note to indicate the specific placement of the scattered information if considered important.
The country twenty five miles round New York / drawn by a gentleman from that city ; J. Barber, sculp., Holborn Hill
Optional note: Engraver statement appears in bottom right corner of map
0G10.4. Ambiguous order of information. If the sequence and layout of the information in the source are ambiguous or otherwise insufficient to determine the order, transcribe the information in the order that makes the most sense. Make a note to indicate the ambiguity of the order in the source if considered important.
Comments (15)
Erin Blake said
at 9:07 pm on Feb 9, 2014
Having a separate section on order and transposition makes sense to me.
Erin Blake said
at 9:26 pm on Feb 9, 2014
Seems odd to require a note when information has definitely been transposed, but only make a note "if considered important" when the order is ambiguous. Because resources without title pages don't have an expectation of standard order, how about only requiring a note on transposition when the information is taken from a title page? said
at 2:51 pm on Feb 20, 2014
Seems odd to me too. Erin's counter-suggestion appears logical.
Manon Theroux said
at 12:54 am on Feb 21, 2014
I suppose we could require a note in the ambiguous situations. I think the idea was it might just be difficult to explain with any clarity.
Manon Theroux said
at 1:29 am on Feb 21, 2014
Re only requiring a transposition note when information is taken from a title page: I'd need to run that idea by the other members of the C group to see what they think since it isn't an option we've discussed at all. It would certainly make life easier for the cataloger not to have to make transposition notes for maps on sheets, etc.! It would also make the C rules a bit more complicated (unlike G, which has rules for resources with title pages confined to an appendix, our rules on atlases are found throughout C).
I guess it raises the larger question of why we make transposition notes. I always thought it was because without them the catalog user would assume that the order of information in the catalog record was a faithful representation of the order of information found on the piece (and they need to know the order on the piece if they are going to be able to distinguish among variants, etc.). That seems as true for resources with title pages as without them.
Deborah J. Leslie said
at 5:04 pm on Feb 22, 2014
I can see that resources without title pages, especially resources that are primarily non-textual, might allow for more relaxed explanations of the source of information. Manon, could you take this back to the C group?
Manon Theroux said
at 3:59 pm on Feb 24, 2014
Of course! I have encouraged DCRM(C) members to comment, either here or on the DCRM(C) wiki. I'll relay or summarize any comments made on the DCRM(C) wiki. said
at 2:54 pm on Feb 20, 2014
To me it would be more logical to place these guidelines at the top, as 0G1, since they relate to the "form and order" instructions in 0G.
Manon Theroux said
at 12:49 am on Feb 21, 2014
I did consider that. I put it at the end because the 0G phrase "form and order" has the word "form" first and "order" second. 0G1-0G9 are essentially the form rules right now. I also considered dividing 0G Transcription into two parts, 0G1 Form and 0G2 Order (or vice versa) but then all the form rules would have gained an extra digit, and many of the form captions would no longer be on a separate line because they'd gone down a step in the hierarchy. And of course the prospect of renumbering all the 0G rules was not very appealing (!)
Manon Theroux said
at 12:28 am on Feb 26, 2014
I would certainly be willing to add the new rule as 0G1, by the way, rather than tacking it on at the end as 0G10. I agree it might make more sense.
Todd Fell said
at 2:41 pm on Feb 24, 2014
Requiring a note on transposition only for title pages is fine with me. I like Deborah's comment about allowing for "more relaxed explanations of the source of information" for resources without title pages, as making transposition notes for all the various complicated ways information is found on sheet maps will make for a complicated cataloging process and bibliographic record. Whatever route simplifies this as much as possible is what we should strive for.
Manon Theroux said
at 4:53 pm on Feb 24, 2014
If these general instructions on "order" are added to 0G, would it make sense to reinstate the "(see 0G)" reference that was removed from all the specific instructions on "form and order" throughout the rules. As I recall, Dave Reser's objection was that 0G didn't address order only form. Here is what is currently on the General Errata page on the EG wiki:
Remove all instances of "(see 0G)" from its stock phrase, i.e., "Transcribe ... information in the form and order in which it is presented in the source, unless instructed otherwise by specific rules (see 0G)." [as pointed out by Dave Reser of LC PSD, and agreed to by the DSG 8 July 2013; in an attempt to reduce clutter, instances are not listed individually on this wiki because it's easy to search-and-replace]. (G)
Randal Brandt said
at 7:34 pm on Feb 24, 2014
I'm also fine with requiring a note on transposition for title pages only. I agree with Todd that simplification is desirable.
Manon Theroux said
at 12:17 am on Feb 26, 2014
DCRM(C) member Nancy Kandoian also supports the idea of requiring notes on transposition only for items with title pages.
Manon Theroux said
at 12:57 am on Feb 26, 2014
When we talk about only requiring transposition notes for items with title pages, I assume we're including the notion of title page substitutes. For C, I think we'd want to just phrase this as "for atlases".
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