
Capitalization for DCRM(G)

Page history last edited by Nancy Lorimer 11 years, 5 months ago

Proposed Appendix C for Graphic Materials


See the page Proposed change: Appendix C Capitalization of Elements for discussion of a version covering all formats (which would be modified as needed for each format).


The document presented here is the adaptation for DCRM(G):

  • Appendix C-G (July 31, 2013) (apologies if anyone downloaded the version with incorrect numbering that was here for a few minutes before I noticed)


And here is the proposed adaptation for DCRM(M):

Comments (4)

Deborah J. Leslie said

at 12:51 pm on Aug 1, 2013

C4.1 What is the source of this instruction: Do not capitalize “publisher not identified”

Erin Blake said

at 4:52 pm on Aug 1, 2013

AACR2 and RDA (with AACR2's version being for "s.n." rather than "publisher not identified").

For what it's worth, ISBD uses natural capitalization, which makes sense given that the element is preceded by a colon, not a final mark of punctuation.

Randal Brandt said

at 1:00 am on Aug 2, 2013

C4.1, date examples: Do not capitalize "thermidor"; comparable to mai, juin, etc. in French

Randal Brandt said

at 1:03 am on Aug 2, 2013

C7: You need to change the "see" reference to C2.1-C2.4, C2.5 being the GMD. This got changed in the multi-module draft with the addition of the new C2.4 about the merging/absorbing of serials titles.

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