- Erin to provide tweaked text that provides instruction for multiple statements of responsibility for pictures without a collective title. (That is, only the first statement of responsibility relating to a picture is to be preceded by a space slash space)
Archived discussion
Draft text for comment by Steering Group before it goes to DCRM-L as a DPC (see Discussion topic: SOR's for material without a collective title for information leading up to this proposed change; NB. draft text is is numbered and phrased for DCRM(G), so would need to be adapted to fit other modules)
(Text below revised June 5)
1H. Material without a collective title
1H1. Two or more discrete images
If the material bears two or more discrete images without a collective title, and the material is a single unit, not a multipart resource:
record multiple titles according to 1H1.1 or 1H1.2
or make a separate bibliographic record for each image, linking the separate records with “With” notes (see 7B17)
or if naming each image is too cumbersome, provide a collective title according to 1F
1H1.1. By the same person or body, with shared statement(s) of responsibility (if any). If the material has no collective title and bears two or more images by the same person or body, or two or more images that share the same statement(s) of responsibility, provide the titles of the individual images in the order in which they appear. Precede each title other than the first by a space-semicolon-space, even if the titles are linked by a connecting word or phrase.
Difficulties of a working general among the bayous [graphic] ; Bayou navigation in Dixie / from a sketch by Mr. Theodore R. Davis
(Comment: Three images share a title and a fourth image has its own title; all four share a statement of responsibility)
1H1.2. By different persons or bodies, or without shared statement(s) of responsibility (if any). If the material has no collective title and bears two or more individual images by different persons or bodies, or two or more images that do not share the same statement(s) of responsibility, provide the titles of the individual images in the order in which they appear. Precede each title other than the first by a period and one space, unless a linking word or phrase is already present. Precede each image's statement of responsibility, if any, by a space-slash-space.
Charles E. Courtney [graphic] / photographed by Ernsberger & Ray. Edward Harlan / photographed by J. Bruce & Co.
(Comment: Two portraits on one sheet, each with a different statement of responsibility)
Scene in Printing-House Square, New York City [graphic] / sketched by Stanley Fox. Elevated railway in Greenwich Street, New York City / sketched by Stanley Fox
(Comment: Two images on a single sheet of an illustrated newspaper page, each with an identical statement of responsibility)
Made-up first title with no statement of responsibility [graphic]. Made-up second title that does have an sor / by Somebody Or-other
(Comment: Two images on one sheet, the first without a statement of responsibility, the second with a statement of responsibility that does not also refer to the first image)
Made-up first title with statement of responsibility [graphic] / by Somebody Or-other. Made-up second title that does not have an sor
(Comment: Two images on one sheet, the first with a statement of responsibility that refers only to itself, the second without a statement of responsibility)
Proposed text from June 4, 2013: discarded in order to consider the above version instead.
1H. Material without a collective title
1H1. Two or more works named in the material
If the material shows two or more discrete images, each with a separate title, and the material is a single item, not a multipart resource:
record the multiple titles according to 1H1.1 or 1H1.2
or make a separate bibliographic record for each separately titled image, linking the separate records with “With” notes (see 7B17)
or if the titles are so numerous that naming each one is cumbersome, provide a collective title according to 1F
1H1.1. With a shared statement of responsibility. If the material has no collective title and bears the titles of two or more individual works that share a statement of responsibility, transcribe the titles of the individual works in the order in which they appear. Precede each title other than the first by a space-semicolon-space, even if the titles are linked by a connecting word or phrase. Precede each statement of responsibility by a space-slash-space.
Difficulties of a working general among the bayous [graphic] ; Bayou navigation in Dixie / from a sketch by Mr. Theodore R. Davis
(Comment: Three images share a title and a fourth image has its own title; all four share a statement of responsibility)
1H1.2. Without a shared statement of responsibility. If the material has no collective title and bears the titles of two or more individual works that do not share a statement of responsibility, transcribe the titles of the individual works in the order in which they appear. Precede each title other than the first by a period and one space, unless a linking word or phrase is already present. Precede each statement of responsibility by a space-slash-space.
Charles E. Courtney [graphic] / photographed by Ernsberger & Ray. Edward Harlan / photographed by J. Bruce & Co.
(Comment: Two portraits on one sheet, each with a different statement of responsibility)
Scene in Printing-House Square, New York City [graphic] / sketched by Stanley Fox. Elevated railway in Greenwich Street, New York City / sketched by Stanley Fox
(Comment: Two images on a single sheet of an illustrated newspaper page, each with an identical statement of responsibility)
Made-up first title with no statement of responsibility [graphic]. Made-up second title that does have an sor / by Somebody Or-other
(Comment: Two images on one sheet, the first without a statement of responsibility, the second with a statement of responsibility that does not also refer to the first image)
Made-up first title with statement of responsibility [graphic] / by Somebody Or-other. Made-up second title that does not have an sor
(Comment: Two images on one sheet, the first with a statement of responsibility that refers only to itself, the second without a statement of responsibility)
Comments (19)
Jane Carpenter said
at 7:12 pm on Jun 4, 2013
1H1.2 "statement" should be added after "shared"
Erin Blake said
at 9:51 pm on Jun 5, 2013
Jane Carpenter said
at 7:17 pm on Jun 4, 2013
1H1.1 Erin, can you add an example for an instance where the titles are linkedby a connecting word or phrase? Does the connecting word or phrase get capitalized?
Erin Blake said
at 10:32 pm on Jun 5, 2013
The connecting word or phrase would not get capitalized: it will either follow a semicolon (1H1.1) or there will be no required punctuation preceding it (1H1.2).
It's hard to imagine these situations happening with pictures, but DCRM(B) has examples of both:
Les Akanças : prologue mélo-dramatique, en un acte et en prose ; suivi Des Espagnols dans la Floride : pantomime en trois actes et à spectacle (same author, so semicolon in front of "suivi", French for "followed [by]")
Franklin’s way to wealth and Penn’s maxims (Franklin and Penn are different authors, but there's an "and" already present)
Manon Theroux said
at 10:55 am on Jun 5, 2013
"1H1.1. Precede each statement of responsibility by a space-slash-space"
Two problems: 1) If the works share a SOR (emphasis on the word "a"), that implies there is only one SOR. In that case, the word "each" doesn't make sense - the word "the" would be needed. 2) The works might actually share multiple SOR, in which case the subsequent SORs would be preceded by a semi-colon not a slash (e.g. a books example: "What Maisie knew ; The turn of the screw / by Henry James ; illustrated by Edward Gory").
Manon Theroux said
at 11:15 am on Jun 5, 2013
iH1.1: The use of the semi-colon should also cover situations when there is no SOR, but the works are by the same person, etc. (e.g. "What Maisie knew ; The turn of the screw.") The re-written rule no longer addresses this because it concentrates on SOR rather than whether the works are by the same person, body, etc. or not.
Erin Blake said
at 10:01 pm on Jun 5, 2013
It also doesn't allow for devised titles (which are pretty common for graphic materials). I've almost finished re-drafting.
Erin Blake said
at 10:23 pm on Jun 5, 2013
Okay... now have a look, under "June 5" at the top of the page, and start comments over again.
Deborah J. Leslie said
at 10:05 am on Jun 7, 2013
This will not be a DPC; DSG members will discuss and approve text, and then add it to the editorial guidelines.
Jane Carpenter said
at 1:33 pm on Jun 7, 2013
1.H1.2 I'm sorry to keep harping on examples for this rule, but I would like to suggest adding an example for the "unless" ("unless a linking word or phrase is already present") situation described, with a brief explanatory comment. There are examples for all the other scenarios; I think catalogers would find it helpful to see an example of the exception.
Erin Blake said
at 12:29 pm on Jun 8, 2013
Adding an example or not is up to the individual models, so doesn't actually have to be figured out now. Since it will pretty much never happen with Graphics, I didn't include it in the G text here, but I'll add some more made-up ones or non-Graphics ones here as a sort of template to guide other editors. Am at a workshop right now, so won't be able to put them in until later.
Deborah J. Leslie said
at 4:44 pm on Jun 10, 2013
It seems to read pretty clearly now. In addition to different modules providing their own examples, they will also have to supply their own wording to replace "images."
Manon Theroux said
at 8:01 am on Jun 12, 2013
The wording here is quite different than what it would be for B (or the other modules). It isn't just a matter of changing "images" and finding examples. If you look at the current 1F in its entirety, I think you'll see what I mean. Because the Editorial Guidelines wiki is oriented towards indicating changes to be made in B's base text, I would feel more comfortable if we had the new B text to review, not G's text. Then all the modules could deviate from it as needed.
Erin Blake said
at 4:53 pm on Jun 14, 2013
In that case, let's consider this a DCRM(G)-specific discussion. The principle of when to use periods and when to use semicolons will be the same, no matter what, but there's such a big difference between how SORs appear on images and how they appear on title pages that I'd like to concentrate on making the wording work for G.
You're welcome to re-write 1F, of course, but it's not something I'm able to do at this late stage.
Manon Theroux said
at 7:52 am on Jun 12, 2013
1H1.1 - in the comment, would it be clearer to say "all four share a *single* statement of responsibility"?
Erin Blake said
at 4:49 pm on Jun 14, 2013
Yes, thanks. "(Comment: Three images share a title and a fourth image has its own title; all four share the same statement of responsibility)"
Manon Theroux said
at 8:10 am on Jun 12, 2013
1H1.2 "Precede each image's statement of responsibility, if any, by a space-slash-space" doesn't account for multiple statements of responsibility - for each image, the SORs other than the first would be preceded by a space, semi-colon, space.
Example: Picture 1 [graphic] / drawn by X ; engraved by Y. Picture 2 / drawn by W ; engraved by Y.
Erin Blake said
at 4:32 pm on Jun 14, 2013
Good point. Because it's normal in pictures to have that information spread around, I generally think of each picture having "a" statement of responsibility, it's just that some with more than one name have linking words and others don't. (I also see that ISBD wants to have it both ways). How about this, where the only change is to add "first" in the last sentence:
1H1.2. (...) If the material has no collective title and bears two or more individual images by different persons or bodies, or two or more images that do not share the same statement(s) of responsibility, provide the titles of the individual images in the order in which they appear. Precede each title other than the first by a period and one space, unless a linking word or phrase is already present. Precede each image's first statement of responsibility, if any, by a space-slash-space.
Nancy Lorimer said
at 3:54 pm on Jun 14, 2013
Would 1H1.2 be clearer if it became 2 rules, 1 for same person(s), SORs not shared, and: 2. different persons?
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