
Discussion topic: Silent omissions

Page history last edited by Erin Blake 11 years, 6 months ago

Table of Contents:


DSG meeting, 2013-06-20: Resolved


  • 0G5.2 will be augmented to cover all silent omissions of information outside of any area. 1B covers what to do with no title proper.
  • 1A2.2 will be deleted entirely. Manuals for non-textual material, especially G, can replace it with a rule giving guidance on transcription of text. [DJL note: wouldn't that go better in 1B, on transcribing titles?] Manuals for non-textual material, especially G, can retain it as a reference from "sources of information" to the instructions in 1B, on transcribing titles. It essentially says "this stuff isn't usually a source of information for the title, but if for some reason it needs to be, follow the instructions in 1B5.1 [in G's numbering]."


Proposed new text for 0G5.2


0G5.2. Information not considered part of any area. Omit from the transcription, without using the mark of omission, grammatically separable information not considered part of any area. Such information may include pious invocations, quotations, devices, announcements, epigrams, mottoes, statements of privilege, prices, etc. If such information is a grammatically inseparable part of an area, however, transcribe it as such. If considered important, give the omitted information in a note.




Archived discussion

Question for discussion


From Erin, Deborah, and Manon, 2013-06-03


Should the instruction on silently omitting privilege statements be moved to the "Omissions" section of Area 0? It's currently in the list of things to be silently omitted from the title and statement of responsibility area (1A2.2).




Privilege statements don't properly belong to any area, so they fit best with 0G5.2:

0G5.2. Information not considered part of any area.

If omitting grammatically separable information from the transcription because it is not considered part of any area (pious invocations, statements of privilege, etc.; see  also 1A2.2), do not use the mark of omission. If considered important, give the omitted information in a note.

.... and even if one area had to be picked, it's more likely that people might consider transcribing a statement of privilege as part of the publication statement, not title and s.o.r.




During BSC discussion of a proposed change at ALA Annual in 2010, it was decided to add "statements of privilege" to list of items to be silently omitted from the title and statement of responsibility area:

1A2.2. Omission of pious invocations, etc.

Omit, without using the mark of omission, information found on the title page that constitutes neither title information nor a statement of responsibility. Such information may include pious invocations, quotations, devices, announcements, epigrams, mottoes, statements of privilege, prices, etc." 




  1. Reverse the proposed change to 1A2.2 that was made at Annual 2010 (which will be easy: the change hasn't yet been made to any of the published manuals).
  2. Add "statements of privilege" to the list of things "not considered part of any area" that should be silently omitted.
  3. Update the index:

Privilege statements

notes on: 7A1.2 

silent omission of: 0G5.2





Comments (9)

Manon Theroux said

at 7:44 am on Jun 12, 2013

The only problem I see with this: 065.2 doesn't actually tell you to omit information not associated with any area (or it would start out with the imperative "Omit ..."). It only tells you not to use the mark of omission if you do so. Should we rephrase it to: "Omit grammatically separable information from the transcription without using the mark of omission if it is not considered part of any area (pious invocations, statements of privilege, etc.; see also 1A2.2). If considered important, give the omitted information in a note."

Manon Theroux said

at 7:46 am on Jun 12, 2013

Can we still include "statements of privilege" in the list in 1A2.2 (rather than reversing that decision)?

Manon Theroux said

at 11:29 am on Jun 20, 2013

Maybe what we need to do is move 1A2.2 (or most of it) to 0G5.2 and generalize the language so that it applies to any area. Then we can just delete 1A2.2 altogether.

Deborah J. Leslie said

at 11:54 am on Jun 20, 2013

I'd rather see the entire list in 1A2.2 moved to 0G5.2. We are addressing printed text that is not part of any area, and therefore it should all go in area 0. 1A2.2 could be shortened to include instruction of title-like information.

0G5.2. Information not considered part of any area. Omit from the transcription, without using the mark of omission, grammatically separable information if it is not considered part of any area. Such information may include pious invocations, quotations, devices, announcements, epigrams, mottoes, statements of privilege, prices, etc.

1A2.2. Omission of pious invocations, etc. Omit, without using the mark of omission, grammatically separable title-like information that is not part of any of the elements of the title and statement of responsibility area (pious invocations, etc.; see 0G5.2). If such information is a grammatically inseparable part (see 1B1) of one of the elements, however, transcribe it as such. If such information constitutes the only title-like information present in the source, it may be used as a devised title according to the provisions of 1B5.

Deborah J. Leslie said

at 11:55 am on Jun 20, 2013

There is a problem with the wording of the last sentence of 1A2.2. Title-like information is either transcribed, or a title is devised. This instructions mixes the two up.

Kate Moriarty said

at 4:07 pm on Jun 20, 2013

Did you already discuss, for your revised 0G5.2 text, including the instructions on making a note if considered important? It might make it easier for folks wanting to make notes on privilege statements, for example. It's hard to fit in but a possibility is:

0G5.2. Information not considered part of any area. Omit from the transcription, without using the mark of omission, grammatically separable information not considered part of any area. Such information may include pious invocations, quotations, devices, announcements, epigrams, mottoes, statements of privilege, prices, etc., and may be included in a note, if considered important. If such information is a grammatically inseparable part of an area, however, transcribe it as such.

Deborah J. Leslie said

at 8:50 pm on Jun 20, 2013

While looking at this again, I'm thinking that we might take the opportunity to reduce the significant of "pious invocations," which rarely appear and which hardly anyone can recognize, while including "advertisements," which do appear on 18c English title pages and can cause confusion. Here's a re-working, with an attempt at a descending frequency of occurence:

Newer proposed text for 0G5.2

0G5.2. Information not considered part of any area. Omit from the transcription, without using the mark of omission, grammatically separable information not considered part of any area. Such information may include quotations, statements of privilege, prices, advertisements, announcements, epigrams, mottoes, pious invocations, devices, etc. If such information is a grammatically inseparable part of an area, however, transcribe it according to the instructions for the relevant element. If considered important, give the omitted information in a note.

Erin Blake said

at 7:55 am on Jun 21, 2013

(Details following "1A2.2 will be deleted entirely" at the top of the page now updated to clarify the confusion about what's in 1A and what's in 1B in DCRM(G)).

Erin Blake said

at 10:11 am on Aug 4, 2013

Need to remove "prices" from the list of for-instances: prices ARE part of an area (8. Standard number and terms of availability) it's just that DCRM says recording a price there is optional. Having "prices" in the index pointing to both 8.3 and to 7B8 (note on publication details that are not included in the publication, distribution, etc., area) should do the trick, I think.

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