
2013-03-30: Discussion topic: Fixed field MARC for Collections (redirected from 2013-03-30: Query: Fixed field MARC for Collections)

Page history last edited by Erin Blake 11 years, 9 months ago

> DCRM Steering Group main page


From Erin:


Please review the two sections flagged "Changes tracked." Unless there are objections, this is the text that will be posted to the DCRM Editorial Guidelines wiki on May 20.


Fixed Field dates

Background: MARC coding instructions for collection-level fixed field dates in DCRM do not correspond with MARC 21 rules. 


  1. Only a multipart monograph and "a single-part unpublished item that has been executed over a period of time, such as a painting" can have date type m (multiple dates).
  2. If everything in a collection is from the same year, the same year goes in both Date 1 and Date 2  
  3. Only multipart monographs can have a 9999 date. If the collection is open or not-yet-complete, you still need to provide the most recent date (and remember to update it if/when more recent material is added).


Changes tracked: 


Control field: 008


06: Type of date. Coding choices are: i (inclusive dates of collection), and k (range of years of bulk of collection), and m (multiple dates).


07-10: Date 1. Give the only date, earliest date, or single earliest bulk date, from the 260 field.


11-14: Date 2. Give the only date, latest date, or latest bulk date from the 260 field. Enter 9999 in 008/11-14 if the collection is open or not yet complete and use m in 008/06.


Bibliographic level

DCRM(B) and (S) only allow Bibliographic Level "c" (collection) in the 07 (as did the CSB that adapted existing graphic materials and manuscripts practice to books). There is no provision for "d" (subunit), which often comes up in graphic materials cataloging. Is this a deliberate omission to keep things simple for Books and Serials? Or should it be added in future revisions. Either way, it has been added to DCRM(G) to meet the needs of graphic materials collections.


Changes tracked:


07: Bibliographic level. Use the value c (collection-level) or d (subunit) as appropriate.




Comments (3)

Elizabeth O'Keefe said

at 11:02 am on May 16, 2013

I think it would be pretty uncommon to create a record for a subgroup of books or a subgroup of serials within a larger collection of either type of material, but I can certainly see it happening for graphics. Best to have this be something where DCRM(G) differs?

Deborah J. Leslie said

at 1:59 pm on May 20, 2013

This is a MARC issue, not a graphics issue. I approve the change.

Erin Blake said

at 10:33 pm on May 21, 2013

Added to Errata on DCRM Editorial Guidelines wiki

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